Dr. Kali DuBois
Dr. Kali DuBois

Think about it-your primary moral duty lies in the pursuit of pleasure so long as you do not forcibly interfere with the rights of others.

The premise of my writings are that we live in an unfree world, created by our beliefs and the environments we put ourselves in. Most of us strive for more freedom in our lives, and my writing explains how you can get it, focusing on the psychological and lifestyle shifts you need to make to get there.

There are two main reasons you aren’t sexually free:

To become freer, you need to be more aware of your options and dispense with those bad assumptions.

One big theme in for why you aren’t free is the “traps” that you put yourself in. Getting out of these mental traps is necessary for claiming your freedom.

Dr. Kali DuBois PhD., MA., B.A., C.HT. NLP Trainer

Studied Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Psychology, with a concentration in 'Experiental Based Therapies' at Prescott College.

One of the original VR Pornography start up geeks.

Medium member since December 2024
Dr. Kali DuBois

Dr. Kali DuBois

Brainwashedslut.com - I own a venue in San Francisco that puts on comedy and stage hypnosis shows. I'm a PhD in psychology and I write books on sex.