Dream Invasion Set Ups: Leveraging Covert Hypnosis Pre-Frames to Navigate the Landscape of Intimacy

Dr. Kali DuBois
3 min readJul 24, 2023


Experience pre-frames on Youtube by clicking here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldbJ1oxtEdo

A proficient conversational hypnotist aims to employ the art of hypnosis to inspire transformative changes in their subjects, subtly orchestrating their interactions with others and the narratives within their own minds. This involves four key tactics: maintaining your frame, preframing, deframing, and reframing. When applied to the realm of dreams, these techniques unlock a world of profound possibilities.

In this context, ‘frames’ are the mental boundaries or narratives that shape our perceptions and realities. They serve as the internal scripts that direct our thoughts, actions, and even our dreams.

Now, let’s imagine applying the power of preframing to ‘dream invasion’ — the influencing of another person’s dreams. In this instance, preframing involves subtly shaping someone’s mindset before they enter the dream state.

Suppose you aim to help someone overcome a fear of intimacy within their dreams. During a casual conversation, you might share a story about the deep connection between lifelong friends who can share secrets and fears without judgment. You might narrate how they support and uplift each other, how their bond deepens over time, and the comfort and security that intimacy can bring.

The preframing technique is then in place, establishing a frame around intimacy that their mind can recall subconsciously, potentially influencing the narrative of their upcoming dreams.

This approach requires minimal planning and leverages the limited capacity of the conscious mind to handle information. A person can typically hold five to nine pieces of information at once in their conscious mind. By immersing your subject in an engaging narrative, you bypass their capacity for critique and guide their conscious mind to focus on your story.

The magic of this approach is that it shifts the question in your subject’s mind from whether you are right to whether they understand and internalize your narrative. Their minds are no longer critiquing but absorbing the narrative, thereby increasing the likelihood of this narrative manifesting within their dreams.

By tactically employing preframes, you guide a person’s attention away from potential fears or anxieties towards a new understanding of intimacy. This alternative perspective has the potential to influence their dream experiences positively.

To further intensify the experience of dream invasion, it’s crucial to layer these preliminary conversations before delving into more profound and secret rituals, which will be discussed later. This initial ‘pre-talk’ conditions their mind and prepares them for the indirect suggestions to follow.

An essential aspect of this process is subtlety. You do not want to give even the slightest hint that you are venturing into their dream time. The focus is on fostering a sense of trust and openness during these conversations, so the indirect suggestions are more readily accepted and integrated into their subconscious, potentially influencing their dreams.

In this way, the conversational hypnotist becomes not just a dream navigator but a pioneering architect of the dream world, setting the stage for new narratives to unfold within the expansive theatre of the subconscious.



Dr. Kali DuBois
Dr. Kali DuBois

Written by Dr. Kali DuBois

Brainwashedslut.com - I own a venue in San Francisco that puts on comedy and stage hypnosis shows. I'm a PhD in psychology and I write books on sex.

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