Heather’s Husband Can’t Satisfy Her [Video]

Dr. Kali DuBois
1 min read5 days ago

I had my submissive send me this old video from Heather. Her husband had paid for her to come to me for pleasure. A month later, she divorced him and wrote to me, confessing that she had never experienced with him what I could give her. He was pathetic, unable to satisfy her emotional needs or desires.

Most men are like this — they have a penis and a wallet, and that’s about it. Their sole ambition seems to be making money to give to women, driven by the need for external validation from flashy cars, nice clothes, education, and careers. They’re programmed to seek validation from women and their male peers.

It’s pathetic. 99% of them can’t even validate themselves. How can women expect validation from men who are so deeply entrenched in social programming? Heather’s husband claimed to be a dominant in the scene, yet he couldn’t even get her off. What a pathetic worm.

