Martial Arts Lineage
I have two fights scheduled in October for knife and stick in FMA USA. I won first place in the women’s division for both knife and stick in 2021. These two fights will be filmed live and you can watch in real time.
Martial Arts Lineage: Ed Parker to JLT: The knowledge and techniques passed down from Ed Parker to JLT.
JLT to KG (Me): JLT then passed this lineage to me, KG.
Cacoy Canete to Master Bulford and Master Peter: Cacoy Canete’s teachings were imparted to both Master Bulford and Master Peter.
Master Peter to KG (Me): From Master Peter, I, KG, received my training.
Regarding my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) lineage, I am unable to trace it back since my instructor, L., relocated from Brazil to establish a school in LA.