Sexual Destiny
To create a new life or sexual destiny, you must get out of your own way. Transcend the memory of yourself and allow something greater and mystical to take over. First, let’s understand how the brain functions. When any neurological tissue in the brain or body is activated, it creates mind.
Mind is simply the brain in action.
For example, you have a specific mind to drive your car, another to take a shower, and a different one to enjoy a sensual experience. You use a particular level of mind for each of these tasks because you’ve done them so many times. When you engage in these activities, your brain activates specific sequences, patterns, and combinations of neural networks, similar to an automatic software program.
Your brain is a living record of everything you have learned and experienced. Learning, from a neuroscientific standpoint, is when neurons in your brain form thousands of synaptic connections. These connections assemble into complex neurological networks. Think of learning as an upgrade for your brain. When you pay attention to knowledge or information, it leaves biological impressions in your brain. When you experience something new, your senses write the story neurologically in your brain, creating enriched connections.
Experiences not only enhance brain circuitry but also create emotions. Emotions are the chemical residue of past experiences. The stronger the emotional quotient from an event, the more it leaves a lasting impression. Long-term memories form through this process. So, learning means making new connections, and memories maintain those connections. The more you repeat a thought, choice, behavior, experience, or emotion, the more those neurons fire and wire together, sustaining long-term relationships.
Most of your experiences come from interacting with your external environment. Your senses plug you into the external environment and record narratives in your brain. Highly charged emotional events, whether good or bad, become embossed in your brain as memories. When an experience changes how you feel chemically and heightens your attention, you associate it with specific people, places, or things.
Let’s explore what happens biochemically when you think a thought or feel an emotion. A biochemical reaction in your brain releases chemical signals, making immaterial thoughts become matter. These chemical signals make your body feel the way you were just thinking. Once you notice you are feeling a certain way, you generate more thoughts equal to that feeling, releasing more chemicals and perpetuating a cycle. For example, a fearful thought makes you feel fear, which leads to more fearful thoughts and more fear-inducing chemicals.
This thinking-feeling loop creates a state of being, where your entire state is rooted in the past. Repeatedly firing the same circuits in your brain hardwires it into the same patterns. Over time, your brain becomes a product of past thinking, and your body becomes conditioned to live in the past through repeated emotions.
When you wake up and search for the familiar feeling of “you,” you start your day in the past. Thinking about your problems connects to past experiences, creating familiar feelings like unhappiness or anxiety. These emotions drive your thoughts, keeping you stuck in the past. If these emotions influence your choices and behaviors, your life remains predictable and unchanged.
Following the same routines every day creates habits — automatic, unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions acquired through repetition. Your body runs on autopilot, following a series of programs. Over time, your body becomes the mind, effortlessly repeating the same routines, dragging you into the same predictable future.
To break free from this cycle, you need to embrace the unknown. The unknown is unfamiliar and uncertain but exciting because it unfolds in unexpected ways. How much room do you have in your predictable life for the unknown? Staying in the known keeps you repeating the same patterns. To create a new future, you must change where you place your attention and energy, altering how you think and feel.
Your body can follow your mind into the unknown. If you invest your attention and energy into the unknown, your body will follow, leading to new experiences and a new future. This shift requires you to embrace the present moment, the eternal now, and transcend your past. This is where true transformation happens, where the supernatural and connected sex await you.